- File1_The composer’s personal and contact information: given names; family name; name as it should appear in the programme; date of birth; gender; full mailing address; phone number; e-mail; website (if applicable) (Αρχείο word)
- File2_Work information: title; submission category; accurate duration; composition year; information about previous performances and/ or if the work has been premiered or not (Αρχείο word)
- File3_Programme notes in English – maximum 150 words (Αρχείο word)
- File4_Short biography of the composer in English – maximum 150 words (Αρχείο word)
- File5_High-resolution digital photo of the composer (Αρχείο σε png or jpg)
- File6_Technical rider specifying the accurate instrumental set, equipment and means necessary for the performance of the submitted work (Αρχείο word)
- For categories 1-12: a PDF with the score and an audio file with a recording or a MIDI realisation (possible file formats: m4a, mp3, mp4, flac, wav, aiff). For recordings, please provide the date, venue, and names of performers.
- For category 13, please submit sound files with the finished work (possible file formats: m4a, mp3, mp4, flac, wav, aiff). Please provide a stereo version for multi-channel works (up to 16 channels).
- For category 14, please submit a project proposal/ description, sound files, image/ video files, a clear technical outline, and/ or any other material allowing the jury to understand the work’s artistic and technical aspects and requirements (Αρχείο word).